Membership Information

There are three categories of membership in the CCBA: All licensed attorneys actively enaged in the practice of law are eligible for regular membership; Attorneys no longer engaged in the active practice of law are eligible for Emeritus membership; Non–attorneys may join the CCBA as Associate members.
Member dues are the major source of CCBA operating revenue. Annual dues for regular and Associate members currently is $125.00. For Emertus membership, annual dues is $40.00. It is easy to join—just download the approprite membership registration form and send it in today!
Membership in the CCBA is voluntary—practicing attorneys do not have to join, but there is a very collegial and active bar in Southwest Washington, and most attorneys find that the best way to feel like a part of the legal community is by joining the CCBA.
Membership benefits include:
  • Discounts on affordable local Continuing Legal Education seminars. CLE requirements for practicing atorneys are now 45 every 3 years. The CCBA CLE programs are a valuable resource to satisfy that requirement. Some are motivated by the convenience and dollar savings associated with our local CLEs. Others are eager for the opportunity to soak up the valuable information offered on local practices in specific areas of law from highly qualified and experienced members of our bench and bar.
  • The Southwest Washington Lawyer Referral Service. For a nominal fee, members participate on a revolving list of attorneys available to accept new clients targeted to practice areas. Any member of the public needing an attorney can call the referral line for free and receive the name of an attorney available to assist them. The CCBA averages about 300 referrals a month. The lawyer referral service has helped more than a few local attorneys begin generating their own clientele, and for those opening a solo practice or small firm, the service can be invaluable to early success. Download the registration form and sign up for the Lawyer Referral Service today!
  • Free, annual Directory of local attorneys and other important resources.
  • The CCBA publishes a monthly newsletter, called HEARSAY, to keep the membership informed on news events, social functions, and the happenings at various meetings of the legal community. The CCBA newsletter committee has been working hard to improve quality and appearance of the newsletter. The newsletter is free to CCBA members.
Social/networking opportunities from CCBA membership include:
  • Annual summer barbeque—free of charge to all attorneys and judges.
  • Annual Golf Tournament, followed by a fun and relaxing awards dinner. The golf tournament is set up in a scramble format, so regardless of skill level, and even for those with no skill at all, it's a great time and a wonderful excuse to take a Friday afternoon off from work.
  • General lunch meetings twice a year, often with interesting speakers, and sometimes offering a quick CLE credit as well.
  • Annual coed softball game sponsored by the Young Lawyers section, pitting new lawyers against senior lawyers.
  • Annual Barristers Ball—the CCBA Lawyers Prom.